Centro Universitario Facens

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Country: Brazil 
City: Sorocaba

Of interest to engineering students and:

        • Technical Architecture and Building
        • Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering
        • Computer Engineering
        • Mechanical Engineering

More information UdL International Relations

About the university

The Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba – FACENS (Sorocaba Engineering School) is the first higher education institution founded in Sorocaba. It is maintained by Associação Cultural de Renovação Tecnológica Sorocabana (ACRTS) (Sorocaba Cultural Association for Technological Renovation (ACRTS) and it is considered to be a nonprofit and philanthropic Federal Organization certified by the National Welfare Council. Thereby, it offers countless scholarships (grants) to needy socially and economically students. The organization invests all of its profits in the College, enabling FACENS to be an educational center in constant evolution and growth.

Our goals are:

        1. Stimulate cultural creation and development of scientific spirit and reflective thinking
        2. Train graduates in different fields of knowledge, who are qualified to get into the professional field and participate in the development of Brazilian society, helping it grow continuously
        3. Encourage research work and scientific research aimed at the development of science and technology and the creation and dissemination of culture, thus developing the understanding between man and environment
        4. Promote the dissemination of cultural, scientific and technical knowledge that make the heritage of mankind, and to communicate knowledge through teaching, publications or other forms of communication
        5. Encourage the permanent desire for constant cultural and professional development and opportunity for achieving it, by integrating the knowledge that is being acquired in a systematization structure of the knowledge of each generation
        6. Stimulate awareness of the problems of the present world, especially national and regional ones, and provide specialized services to the community and set up a reciprocal relationship with it
        7. Promote the extension, opened to the community, aiming at disseminating the achievements and benefits resulting from the cultural creation and from the scientific and technological research generated in the institution


University presentation

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